Are you looking for the best data and information protection software available? Do you need help with your computer, network, or security? Are you a business with no local support? Let Computer JAC technicians help you.
What Can We Help You With?

The first and most essential security layer is a strong anti-malware solution for each workstation. We evaluated many anti-malware products so you don't have to, in order to provide you with the best protection available.

E-mail Security
According to CISA 90% of all cyber attacks begin with e-mail, and according to a top e-mail security company 33.2% of untrained users will fail to detect a harmful e-mail message, exposing not only their workstation but also your entire network to malware and data breaches. Allow us to help you implement proactive detection and training software to protect you and your network from harmful e-mail. After one year of training companies you can expect users to detect up to 95% of harmful e-mails all on their own.

Data Backup
Another vital security layer that shouldn't be overlooked is backing up your files. It's like having insurance for your data. When you need it, you will be glad that you have it. At a minimum you need to follow the "3-2-1" rule. That means:
3Â copies of your data on
2Â different types of storage with
1Â copy stored off-site.
Successfully implementing the "3-2-1" rule can be complicated and frustrating. Let us make it easy for you.

Wi-Fi & Network Installation
We make it easy for you. We will setup secure and strong wi-fi for you and your employees. And if you want to offer wi-fi to guests, we will help you make sure you aren't liable for a guests questionable browsing or illegal downloads.

We Support You at Home
With an ever-growing number of smart things in the home, it can get frustrating when the Wi-Fi or internet stops working properly, and professional IT help is expensive. Computer JAC is community minded, and that's why we give homeowners a break from the frustration...and the cost.

What Can You Do With Your Old Computer? Recycle It!
Don't throw it away! The U.S now dumps between 300 million and 400 million electronic items per year, and less than 20% of that e-waste is recycled. E-waste represents 2% of America's trash in landfills, but it equals 70% of overall toxic waste. Computer JAC is dedicated to safely and securely giving your old computers a second life. We wipe all of your information so that it is un-recoverable, install a new operating system like Linux or Chrome OS on it, and then give it away free of charge.